Thursday, November 19, 2009


I don’t know about you, but I can so easily get lost in the details and daily challenges that come with family life. As much as I like to focus on the little things, the moment to moment of living, I also understand the value of keeping a greater perspective. Getting lost in the details makes it easy to forget the big picture.

After being in a somewhat rudderless phase for a while I tend to reaffirm my footing by writing down an ordered list of my overall priorities. A few months back I got the idea to Photoshop such a list over a photograph and add it as my desktop wallpaper. I worried it might become irritating to have such a reminder in my face everyday, but it turned out to not be that conscious an experience. I saw the words everyday but didn’t necessarily read them. They seemed to make an impression anyhow and I think that was one of the most balanced periods of my life.

priorities copy

Looking for that balance again, I’ve recreated the experiment, with updated priorities.

priorities field copy

It’s fun to make something functional that is also beautiful, and for me. Yippee!!!


The Giraffe Head Tree said...

This is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very good idea, Rachel.

Eileen said...

Rachel, I love this. I would like to do something like this. Thanks for a great idea! I hope all is well!