Tuesday, July 14, 2009


have been just slightly mind boggling lately. And I do mean slightly. It’s not been bad, or upsetting, or even frustrating. It’s just the ebb in the ebb and flow of ease in life.

a heart wide open

I often feel the need to simplify when during these times, which can translate to not working much. Instead of doing that, in an effort to challenge myself to do this living a little bit differently (cause really, what’s the point of going around and around and around these rhythms in exactly the same way every time?). Soule Mama set me off on the right path, I think, when she titled this photo “simple joys.” Ahh yes, simple joys would be good to focus on now. Thanks Amanda! (even though you will never know I exist.. I owe you one.)


leaca said...

I know what you mean about the mind bogging thing. I need to go check your links and get some clarity. =]

Unknown said...

I love this image pairing - it works so well.

i'm jefra... said...

beautiful beautiful beautiful! everything you do is beautiful.