Saturday, December 1, 2007

30 days

In an effort to encourage myself to show my face more often around here I thought I would try to post at least one photo everyday for the entire month. I've wanted to try something like this for a while and though December is a brave choice given that it is the busiest month of the year, it popped into my mind this evening that it's the 1st, so what the heck. I'm giving myself the 25th off, in case it's too busy a day. Otherwise, I hope you will find a piece of me here everyday, and that it brings you a little slice of something good. 

Gulls in December small

Yesterday we had pouring rain all day, which is a sight for sore eyes here in Southern California. It was very exciting. I have always loved the rain, I think because it makes me think of big yellow rain boots and comfy sweaters.

  Big fluffy white clouds all over the sky were one of the consequences today. Some gulls were taking advantage of the weather too I think. Maybe some yummy prey was washed above ground for them.

Actually, I've no idea if seagulls are predators, or if they actually eat anything other than french fries in parking lots. I really do need to brush up on some basic natural science.

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